Durable Medical Equipment Evaluation (DME)

Durable medical equipment (DME) is equipment that is considered medically necessary as prescribed by a physician for use by the patient. Mobility- related DME includes equipment such as manual and power wheelchairs, scooters, canes, walkers, crutches, commode chairs, hospital beds and patient lifts. For individuals with a disability, DME can improve safety while decreasing the need for caregiver assistance. It can substantially improve overall quality of life by increasing a person’s independence with functional mobility and activities of daily living (ADLs). It is very important that these pieces of equipment operate correctly.

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About Durable Medical Equip. (DME)

DME is intended to increase independence and improve safety with activities of daily living (ADLs), transfers, and ambulation/mobility.Β  ADLs encompass the following tasks: eating, grooming, bathing, upper extremity dressing, lower extremity dressing, and toileting. DME can additionally increase independence with IADLs as well, for example power mobility can allow for grocery shopping and running errands, and tools to utilize technology such as voice control and adaptive touch promote return to work.Β Physical therapists collaborate with patients and their caregivers to clarify which client factors are present in order to make individualized DME recommendations for each activity. The goal is always to ensure optimal independence as well as safety for the patient and caregivers.

  • Walker

  • Wheel Chair

  • Hospital Bed

  • Hoyer Lift

  • Quad Cane

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