Balance Disorders

Our Physical Therapists can help create a treatment plan tailored to you. They will teach you exercises for both static balance (sitting or standing still) and dynamic balance (keeping your balance while moving and doing daily activities). They also may work with you on exercises to improve your ability to react to a balance disturbance to prevent falls.

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Can Physical Therapy Help With Balance Disorders?

Yes β€” in fact,Β our physical therapists can help identify the causes of balance disorders and help create a treatment plan tailored to you that may:

  • Improve balance
  • Increase strength
  • Reduce/prevent falls
  • Remain independent in your home & community
  • Gain Stability on your feet
  • Identify & implement a comprehensive falls risk reduction plan
  • How Physical Therapy Helps Balance Disorders

    How Physical Therapy Helps Balance Disorders

    How Can a Physical Therapist Help? Physical therapists offer many options to treat balance problems, based on each person’s needs. They evaluate many systems of the body, including: Muscles and...

    How Physical Therapy Helps Balance Disorders

    How Can a Physical Therapist Help? Physical therapists offer many options to treat balance problems, based on each person’s needs. They evaluate many systems of the body, including: Muscles and...